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Welcome to Medatic

Medical system for modern age.

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Why Choose Medatic?

A system aiming to connect regular people with medical experts, doctors, specialists all over the globe. Share your medical records between organizations. Seek for second opinion about your diagnosis. Hold your lab reports together.

Medical Records

Upload and control your medical records, reports, prescriptions. Add medical laboratory tests directly to your profile.


You can decide who can see your records. Authorized expert in domain for diagnosis or your close friend. You decide. Authorization appends a watermark to shared records, so it is always visible source of record.

Second Opinion

The system allows the user to share the record with a selected expert and seek for second opinion. Even anonymously.

The system can also be utilized by clinics, organizations or medical laboratories.

Users, their roles and possible activities can be grouped in logical domains. For illustration, a certain country can be a parent domain having multiple subdomains which could represent clinics. Then clinics can have their own subdomains, and so on.


A domain is an isolated entity or group. Domain administrator role has full ownership of domain, members, details. Can assign license to user in domain to be valid prescriber, specialist.


The system exposes a way for medical laboratories to upload test results to the user account. User can accept or reject such report. By accepting it, it becomes a regular medical record in the user account that can be used for diagnosis.


Users having license assigned by certain domain can write prescriptions to users based on their records that are previously authorized.


This section shows all currently implemented features of Medatic system

User Profile

Every user is indivual and can control own profile and details such as photo, e-mail, password, personal details.


System holds inventory of medications that are approved in certain domain. Medications and basic details can be seen by every user. Prescribers can search medication and connect to certain prescription.


List of all available domains can be seen by any user. Cross domain associations are visible. Domain admins can create sub domains only. Parent domain is possible only by admins of upper level domain.


Users can always see own records. Upload new or delete existing. Record can be image, video, sound recording or regular documents. Record retain associations to prescriptions or diagnosis. Records have a notebook, allowing notes to be added by user or authorized person.


Each use can always see a list of incoming and outgoing authorizations. Authorizations owned by user can be controlled, revoked, re-activated. Receiver of authorization can accept or reject. Record associated to authorization can only be seen if authorization is accepted and not expired. Authorization can be permanent or time constrained.


Prescriptions can be created by licensed prescribers. Licenses are controlled by domain admins, by issuing a license to a user. Prescription will generate regular form with Rx, sig, disp data. This can be used to integrate to smart notification systems for medication reminders.

External Report

The system provides an interface for an external specialist, lab or entity to share medical records with a certain user. User can accept or reject such report.


This is part of ongoing development. User can configure notifications to be sent out by system to mail or Telegram messenger.


This is part of ongoing development. The system will provide a secured interface for external systems (smartwatch, phone) to authorized temporal access to user records in case of an emergency.